Don’t Overlook These Quick Tips to Make Your Site Shine This Holiday Season

Q4 is right around the corner and this year emarketer predicts that we will hit the $1 trillion mark in holiday sales. While you finish putting the final touches on your quarterly revenue plan, we put together a few tips to maximize your programmatic channel this holiday season.

But first, a little housekeeping

With a greater focus on clean inventory, buyers like the Trade Desk and GroupM are weighing whether or not they will work with inventory sources that do not adhere to their mandates and stipulations. First, make sure your ads.txt files are up and running on all of your sites. This is a great opportunity to review and review your partners’ entries for accuracy. In this programmatic ecosystem, ads.txt utilization is now the standard and most demand partners will only consider buying on inventory with ads.txt verification.

In an effort to clean up the supply chain, the IAB has released a few more technical specifications including sellers.json. To get the most out of your supply make sure you work with vendors who are sellers.json compliant as this is becoming a mandate with many buyers.


While standard IAB ads are a safe bet for incremental spending, you should consider adding impact ads to drive additional holiday revenue. Impact ads lead to better audience attention and viewability performance and can generate as much as 60% higher eCPMs than standard IAB formats. If you’re worried about user experience, 33Across Impact Ads are 100% compliant with the Better Ads Coalition’s guidelines. To learn more about how publishers are using Impact Ads take a look at a recent article on some simple ways to earn more revenue with Impact Ads.

User Experience

Reaching shoppers on the go is crucial during the holiday season. Retailers have invested so much in mobile that it’s become ubiquitous. Consumers can look up product information, find competitive offers, and make purchase decisions all on their phones. It’s worth revisiting your mobile site to ensure it’s optimized for a stronger user experience as well as enhanced monetization. Do you have too many ads on a page? Is there an opportunity to introduce innovativeformats such as the parallax or scroller? Look at historical information for key trends that you could replicate in 2019.

Not currently a 33Across partner? Take a moment to learn how our publisher solutions can help you maximize revenue all year long.